1·These diseases are highly contagious causing severe distress to the animal and considerable loss to the producer.
2·Hirsutism is the presence of excessive hair growth in women and is an important cosmetic condition often resulting in severe distress.
3·Patients present to the emergency department within the first week of life in severe distress, including hypoxia, tachypnea, and hypotension.
4·Children with severe malaria frequently develop one or more of the following symptoms: severe anaemia, respiratory distress in relation to metabolic acidosis, or cerebral malaria.
5·Shock, bradycardia and irregular breathing are important predictive signs, and severe malaria with respiratory distress is a common cause of hypoxaemia.
6·First, the individual being helped is in distress and unless it escapes on its own it will suffer severe physical harm.
7·Californian health authorities warned residents not to compound their anxiety by eating the pills, which can cause intestinal distress and severe rashes.
8·Severe or repeated bouts can lead to respiratory distress, mental disability, wasting disease and, at the extreme, rupture of the spleen.
9·So far the effects on GDP and employment have not been severe, although the financial distress is not yet completely over.
10·In the corporate world, the bully can cause even more damage — ranging from severe emotional distress and sluggish work to stalled career progress.